Thursday, January 26, 2017

Writing- This week we have been writing informational books on Hornworms (which we have been observing and researching).  Our books need to include an introduction, 4 chapters (with at least 5 facts plus details as well as definitions), and a conclusion.  The class looked at examples of a 1, 2, 3, and 4 piece of writing, and we made a criteria chart of how to earn a 3 or 4.  They now have their own checklists at their tables to help them remember each component.  We are also in the process of setting writing goals!

Math-We began talking about strategies for mental subtraction.  We are working on 2-digit minus 2-digit numbers. As a class we have talked about mentally subtracting landmark numbers (tens), using a hundreds chart, and subtract the tens subtract the ones add the answers.  We know that the last strategy does not always work (example: 31-19) so then we must try a different strategy. Some groups have even started stacking with regrouping.  Everyone will learn stacking starting next week!  Many groups have also been checking their work by adding!

Science- Ms. Weber began teaching our new science unit: Earth's surface.  We learned that the Earth is made of 71% water and 29% land.

PBIS: We are focusing on Beulah Ralph's 5 characteristics: kind, respectful, responsible, positive, and problem solvers.  So far we have learned what it means to be kind, respectful, and responsible.  To celebrate being responsible, everyone is dressing up on Friday for career day!  Dress as the profession you would like when you are older:O)

Just a reminder that next week we will be celebrating Beulah Ralph's 90th birthday.  We are asking 2nd graders to bring in shampoo and conditioner to donate in honor of Beulah Ralph.

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